Project proponents are required to provide full information and wherever necessary
include explanatory notes in the Archaeological Impact Assessment (AlA)Report and
submit alongwith the information as per Schedule II of the AMASRA.
Content Outline of AIA Report
Section I
F Executive Summary
Il. Contents
TF Introduction
e The name of the centrally protected monument/site
e Its geographical coordinates
e Date of notification
e Date of AIA report, name of the organization or entities responsible for
preparing AIA report and for whom
IV. Assessment Methodology
V. Monument’s history and description of heritage assets and attributes
e physical characteristics, elements, intangible associations etc.
e value (use grading scale and justify it – very
high/high/medium/low)including scientific knowledge
e condition / state of preservation
Vi. Project Details and Description of changes/development proposed
VI. Assessment and = Evaluation of overall impact of the proposed
changes/development (as per points in Section I!)
Vill. Mitigation measures proposedto minimize and manage the effect of the
impacts :
e Determine the scale and severity of impact (use grading scale and justify it-
no change/negligible impact/minor change/moderate change/major
® propose mitigation measures for each item wise activity to be undertaken
during the construction, operation and the entire life cycle to minimize
impacts as a result of the activities of the project
IX. Summary and Conclusions
x. Bibliographyand Acknowledgements

Section II


1.1. Is the proposed project consistent/non-consistent with the monument and its
surroundings and will it significantly alter the existing land-use? (Proposed land-
use must conform to the approved Master Plan/Development Plan of the area.
Change of land-use if any and the statutory approval for it from the competent
authority to be submitted).

1.2. What are the likely impacts on the monument, its surroundings and on existing
facilities because of the proposed activity? (Such as open spaces, community
facilities, intangible associations, disturbance to the local environment etc.)

1.3 Will there be any significant effect on archaeology due to project excavations
and on erosion, subsidence and instability of soil in the area?

1.4 Are there any other anthropological or archaeological sites or artefacts nearby?
State, if any other significant heritage features in the vicinity of the proposed
site have been considered.

1.5 Attach Maps of (i) monument and the proposed site (ii) surrounding heritage
features of the proposed site (within 300 meters of the monument) (iii) the site
(indicating levels andcontours) to appropriate scales (1:500)


2.1 Does the proposal involve alteration of existing natural drainage systems?

(Give details on a contour map showing the natural drainage near the proposed
project site).

2.2 Will the natural features (rivers, nalas, canals, forests, low lying areas, wetlands
etc.) or any existing subterranean water channels get altered due to proposal?

2.3. What would be the impact on the monument due to the proposed project on
the water runoff characteristics (quantitative as well as qualitative) of the area
in the post construction phase on a long term basis? Would it aggravate the
problems of flooding or water logging in any way?

2.4 How will the storm water from within the site be managed? (State the
provisions made to avoid flooding of the area, details of the drainage facilities
provided alongwith a site layout indicating contour levels).

2.5 Will the construction involve extensive clearing or modification of vegetation?
(Provide a detailed account of the existing trees and vegetation affected by the

2.6 Will the Construction require extensive pumping of ground water? ( wherever
needed Ground Water Authority clearance should be obtained)


3.1. Will the project cause adverse effects on local communities, disturbance to
sacred sites or other cultural values and intangible heritage of the


4.1. Will the proposed construction in any way result in the obstruction of views of
the monument and the historic landscape? Illustrate through drawings. Also
highlight the view corridors from and to the monument.

4.2 Will there be shadow on the monument due to the height of the proposed
construction? Illustrate through shadow analysis.

4.3 Are there any local considerations of urban form and urban design on building
facades, features etc. influencing the design criteria?


5.1 What is the impact on the monument due to the generation of dust, smoke,
odorous fumes or other hazardous gasesduring the period of construction and
due to construction?

5.2 Will the proposal create shortage of parking space for vehicles? Furnish details
of the present level of transport infrastructure around the monument and
surrounding area and measures proposed for improvement including the traffic
management at the entry and exit to the project site.

5.3 Provide details of the movement patterns with internal roads, bicycle tracks,
pedestrian pathways, footpaths etc., with areas under each category.

5.4 Will there be significant increase in traffic noise and vibrations?

5.5 What will be the impact of DG sets and other construction equipment on noise
levels and vibration in and around the monument? .

5.6 Etc.

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